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Past Events

January 2020 

2020 Subdivision Map Act Update


presented by


Matthew Gray


Presentation Summary

Keeping with EBME's long-standing tradition, we start the year off with a presentation and update of the Subdivision Map Act and significant land use legislation and case law. This presentation given by Matthew Gray is one of our most popular every year and usually sells out. Please RSVP soon as seating will be limited.




Matthew Gray, Partner at Perkins Coie

  • Legal Consel to Great Companies

  • A top 100 American Law Firm

  • Fortune Magazine Top 100 Companies to Work For

Matthew Gray is a Partner at Perkins Coie who focuses his practice on land use entitlement processing and litigation. He represents a range of local agencies, real estate developers and landowners in all stages of the land use entitlement and development process.

  • Georgetown University Law Center, J.D., magna cum laude, Order of the Coif, 1997

  • Senior Notes and Comments Editor, Georgetown Law Journal

  • University of California, Los Angeles, B.A., magna cum laude, 1993


November 2019

Vision Zero and Systemic Safety: What's New in Contra Costa


presented by


Ben Fuller, Monish Sen, and James Hinkamp


Presentation Summary

Vision Zero is a campaign to eliminate traffic fatalities and severe injuries, and is quickly gaining momentum across the country. Major urban cities, such as San Francisco and Sacramento, have made the Vision Zero commitment and set the stage for others to follow. This presentation will include an introduction to the core elements of Vision Zero and an overview of how Contra Costa County and Contra Costa Transportation Authority are taking steps to adopting Vision Zero. Recognizing Caltrans' upcoming requirement for local agencies to have a Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP) to be eligible for Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funding, the presentation will also review how Vision Zero fits into the upcoming LRSP requirement.



Ben Fuller, PE, RSP - Fehr & Peers

Ben is a transportation engineer who specializes in safety planning, complete streets and traffic engineering design, and traffic operations analysis. He has managed a variety of safety projects including vision zero action plans, systemic safety analysis reports, local roadway safety plans, and complete streets studies. He co-leads Fehr & Peers' company-wide multi-modal safety initiative, and is a certified Roadway Safety Professional. He holds a Master of Science degree in transportation engineering from UC Berkeley and a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering from UC Irvine.


Monish Sen, PE - Contra Costa County Public Works

Monish is Contra Costa County's Senior Traffic Engineer in their Public Works Department. He has held that position since 2011, before which he managed and conditioned land development projects Countywide, ensuring they were required to install infrastructure improvements meeting County Standards. Prior to that, he was a Design Engineer preparing Plans, Specifications and Estimates for Capital Projects throughout unincorporated Contra Costa County, with the State Route 4 Bypass, Segment 3 being one of his bigger projects. His career in Transportation and Design Engineering has spanned 23 years, with 19 of those years at the County's Public Works Department. He began his career in roadway design for a Consulting firm before moving to the Public Sector. Monish has a Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering from Gonzaga University, having grown up in Contra Costa County, where he also lives.


James Hinkamp, AICP - Contra Costa Transportation Authority

James is Associate Transportation Planner for Contra Costa Transportation Authority, where he oversees active transportation programs and projects funded by the Measure J countywide transportation sales tax, including implementing the Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (CBPP), and supporting complementary local and regional plans and studies. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Urban Studies from Loyola Marymount University and Master's degrees in City & Regional Planning and Engineering from the California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Prior to joining CCTA in 2018, James was the Transportation Planner for City of Lafayette and also previously provided transportation planning services on behalf of San Mateo and Ventura counties.

October 2019

Pentiencia Delivery Main and Force Main Seismic Retrofit Project


presented by


Mark Myers, PE, GE, Principal Engineer at Cal Engineering and Geology, Inc.


Presentation Summary

The presentation will focus on the Pentiencia Delivery Main and Force Main Seismic Retrofit Project. The project consisted of completing a landslide study, a Landslide Displacement Hazard Analysis (LDHA), subsurface exploration, instrument monitoring, and preparing geotechnical design recommendations to prevent catastrophic seismically induced failure of three 60 to 72-inch diameter pipelines at the Santa Clara Valley Water District's (SCVWD) Penitencia Water Treatment Plant (PWTP). The PWPT is about 1-mile from the Hayward Fault and within a 240-acre actively creeping landslide. The supply and distribution pipelines for the PWTP cross the toe of the landslide. CE&G coordinated with both California Department of Water Resources and SCVWD during the project. The project was designed and constructed to accommodate up to 9.4 feet of combined creep and seismic displacement of the landslide where the pipelines cross the toe. The project improved regional public safety by improving the reliability of water delivery and reduced the potential for local flooding due to a pipe break following a large earthquake


Mark Myers is a Principal Engineer at Cal Engineering and Geology, Inc. 

September 2019

City of Walnut Creek's New Development 

(Downtown & WC Bart Station) 


presented by


Joel Camacho, PE, QSD/P, Associate Civil Engineer, City of Walnut Creek


Presentation Summary

Casual presentation with updates and opportunities for exchanges about current developments at the City of Walnut Creek, specially the rapid transformation of downtown and Bart station vicinity. Challenges related to increasingly tight sites and it's implication on clean water compliance, utility design, parking, traffic and construction staging.



Joel Camacho has broad experience in the Bay Area development spanning over two decades and having worked at former Kaiser Cement, Caltrans, Cities of San Rafael, Richmond and Walnut Creek. He has also worked over 10 years as an engineering consultant serving a broad range of public agencies in northern California.

July 2019

The Status of Water Recycling in California 


presented by


Melody LaBella, PE, Central San Resource Recovery Program Manager


Presentation Summary

This event will feature a lively commentary about the state of water recycling in California. From the most fundamental uses (landscape irrigation) to the most advanced uses (potable reuse) of recycled water. Attendees will gain a greater understanding of the drivers, challenges, and opportunities for expanding recycled water use in California.



Melody LaBella is the Resource Recovery Program Manager for Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San), where she has worked for almost 19 years. Ms. LaBella has worked on water recycling projects for most of her career and has experienced the challenges and opportunities that recycled water provides. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Engineering from Penn State University and is a registered professional Civil Engineer in the State of California.

June 2019

GPS Updates and the Impacts to Civil Engineering Projects 


presented by


Greg St. John, PLS 


Presentation Summary

Greg will walk you through Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) basics and their impact to Civil Engineering Projects, the different kinds of GNSS surveying, and show you what to ask for when specifying a survey for your project. Greg will introduce you to the California Real-Time Network (CRTN), a reliable method of bringing CSRC published coordinates and California Orthometric Height (COH88) benchmarks to your project.



Greg St. John, Land Surveyor - Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Greg has been both a public and private land surveyor for 16 years, licensed for 10. He uses verifiable GNSS positions on a wide-variety of public projects. He has been an active participant in the Northern California GPS Users Group (NCGPSUG) and is an officer with the East Bay Chapter of the California Land Surveyors Association.

May 2020

CEQA 101 Guidelines 

presented by

Darcy Kremin, AICP 


Presentation Summary:

CEQA Updates

Did you know the CEQA Guidelines just underwent its first major revision in over a decade? There were so many changes, the Governor's Office of Planning and Research issued a 169-page package explaining all the updates. What does this mean for engineers who touch CEQA in one way or another on a daily basis? What does this mean for your upcoming projects? In this short, informative session, we will unpack the updates and explain the relevance to projects of all sorts (infrastructure, public works, street improvements, and development projects).




Darcy Kremin, AICP


Environmental Planning Practice Leader at Rincon Consultants, Inc. in Oakland, California.


Darcy has over 20 years of environmental planning experience, and specializes in California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance. Ms. Kremin has managed large projects for public utilities, including water and energy transmission, and dozens of development projects for cities and counties. She also has experience with various public and charter school projects. She is well known for creative solutions to achieve CEQA compliance.


She received her M.A. in Urban and Environmental Policy from Tufts University and her B.A. in Geography/Environmental Studies and Political Science from UCLA.

April 2020

 Concord Naval Station Project


presented by

Guy Bjerke, City of Concord 

Presentation Summary:


Join us for an update on the Concord Community Reuse Project (Concord Naval Weapons Station) from Guy Bjerke, Director of Community Reuse Planning at City of Concord.



Guy Bjerke is the Director of Community Reuse Planning for the City of Concord. He's responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Reuse Area Plan for the redevelopment of the former Concord Naval Weapons Station.

During his career he was the Manager, Bay Area Region for the Western States Petroleum Association; the Economic Development Director for the City of Antioch; CEO of the Homebuilders Association of Northern California (now Building Industry Association of the Bay Area);  and a staff member for the Concord Chamber of Commerce and the California State Senate.  He has over 30 years' experience in Bay Area issues through his governmental affairs work for the business community and the building industry.

Guy earned a BA in Government from CSU, Sacramento.  He is a former Mayor and Council member for the City of Concord and a Past President of the Rotary Club of Concord.

March 2020

Municipal Green Infrastructure Plans


presented by

Dan Cloak, P.E.

Presentation Summary:


This September, 76 Bay Area municipalities will be submitting their Green Infrastructure Plans to the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board. Each Plan will describe how the municipality will shift their impervious surfaces and storm drain infrastructure from gray, or traditional, storm drain infrastructure where runoff flows directly into the storm drain and then the receiving water, to green-that is, to a more resilient, sustainable system that slows runoff by dispersing it to vegetated areas, harvests and uses runoff, promotes infiltration and evapotranspiration, and uses bioretention and other green infrastructure practices to clean stormwater runoff. This presentation will include an update on preparation of the Plans, insights into planning and engineering for Green Infrastructure, and perspectives on the future of Green Infrastructure in the Bay Area.




Dan Cloak, P.E., has assisted California municipalities with stormwater NPDES compliance since 1992 and has been principal of Dan Cloak Environmental Consulting since 2002. He is the author of current municipal guidance used to design and review stormwater treatment for new development projects in Contra Costa, Marin, Sonoma, Napa, Monterey, and Santa Barbara Counties. He has been involved in design and construction of green infrastructure projects in the Bay Area.

February 2020


presented by

Senior Hydrologist Mark Boucher

Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District 


Mark Boucher has 7 years of private sector experience and over 20 years of public sector experience in land development, transportation, drainage and hydrology. Mark earned his BS in Civil Engineering and Masters in Engineering from Washington State University.  Mark serves as the Senior Hydrologist for the Contra Costa County Control Flood Control and Water Conservation District where he oversees the management of the Hydrology Section which operates 29 rain gauges and four stage gauges. He provides expertise in hydrology and hydraulics in preparing and reviewing hydrologic studies and models, and updating standards and hydrology methods. He provides hydrology support for the Flood Control Division and other Divisions at Contra Costa County Public Works.



Mark acts as the FC District representative on Bay Area Integrated Regional Water Management Planning committees and the Contra Costa County Council on Homeless. He is the current Chair for the Bay Area Flood Protection Agencies Association.  Mark lives in Concord, is married with three children, and hiked the John Muir Trail in the summer of 2014.

January 2020

2019 Subdivision Map Act Update by Matthew Gray


presented by

Matthew Gray

Partner for Perkins Coie  



Keeping with EBME's long-standing tradition, we start the year off with a presentation and update of the Subdivision Map Act and significant land use legislation and case law. This presentation given by Matthew Gray is one of our most popular every year and usually sells out. Please RSVP soon as seating will be limited.

Matthew Gray
Partner for Perkins Coie

  • Legal Consel to Great Companies

  • A top 100 American Law Firm

  •  Fortune Magazine Top 100 Companies to Work For

Matthew Gray is a Partner with Perkins Coie who focuses his practice on land use entitlement processing and litigation. He represents a range of local agencies, real estate developers and landowners in all stages of the land use entitlement and development process.

  • Georgetown University Law Center, J.D., magna cum laude, Order of the Coif, 1997

  • Senior Notes and Comments Editor, Georgetown Law Journal

  • University of California, Los Angeles, B.A., magna cum laude, 1993

November 2018

The 2017 ASCE National Infrastructure Report Card and the 2019 ASCE California Infrastructure Report Card


presented by

David Perrings, PE, M.ASCE

Principal Engineer

P/A Design Resources, Inc.  


The first national report card was released in 1988, in response our national infrastructure reaching the end of its service life. Since then ASCE has lead the charge in bringing this critical issue to the forefront of America's consciousness. You know were making progress when "Infrastructure" finds its way as a category on the game show Jeopardy. Through the continued release of the National and State Report Cards by ASCE the topic remains current and up to date.

The National Infrastructure Report Card was released in 2017 and the California Infrastructure Report Card scheduled for release in 2019. The last California Report Card was released in 2012. Details pertaining to the state report card will be presented in addition to the National Report Card.



David Perrings, PE, M.ASCE

Principal Engineer

P/A Design Resources, Inc.


Mr. Perrings is a Civil Engineer with P/A Design Resources, Inc. in Walnut Creek, California, a Planning, Civil Engineering and Survey, Land Development Design Firm. His area of expertise is water quality, storm drainage and flood control. Mr. Perrings holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and is a licensed professional engineer in the State of California. 

October 2018

Oro Loma Wet Weather Equalization & Ecotone Demonstration Project


presented by

Mark W. Myers, P.E., G.E.

Principal Engineer 

Cal Engineering & Geology, Inc. 


The project consisted of construction of a wet weather equalization basin with levees which re-defined the conventional geometry of levees. The basin used a nearly flat "horizontal levee" to protect against storm surges and used vegetation to break waves. The ecosystems that live on the horizontal levee are those that thrive in the nearby salt marshes. Similar to bioswales, the vegetation also helps to process waste water from the treatment plant. The project demonstrates that "horizontal levees" can be used to improve flood protection, water quality, and provide habitat for native plant and animal species. Because of the history of embankment failures during construction of levees on bay margin soft sediments, geotechnical engineering input from Cal Engineering & Geology was given high priority throughout the planning and design process. Identifying the significant geotechnical challenges and addressing them early contributed to the successful implementation of the project.



Mark W. Myers, P.E., G.E.

Principal Engineer

Cal Engineering & Geology, Inc.


Mr. Myers will discuss the initial design parameters, the site-investigation findings, the final design and construction challenges, and the ultimate benefit to owner.

September 2018

Beyond the Basics: Pervious Concrete Design, Detailing and Construction


presented by

David Liguori

Founder and President of Bay Area Pervious Concrete



Are you taking full advantage of the potential of pervious concrete? Our friends from Bay Area Pervious Concrete are back as follow up to their last visit. David Liguori will be taking us on a deeper dive with pervious concrete including their Pervious Concrete Water Management System LATIS (Large Area This Infiltration System) to maximize performance and minimize cost. This presentation will give you the design details you need to design a pervious concrete system from the subgrade up in order to achieve higher performance for lower cost. Throughout this discussion, we'll study design details of real-world applications, base and subgrade prep, and the finer aspects of infiltration.



David Liguori is the founder and president of Bay Area Pervious Concrete and is an industry leader in developing pervious concrete stormwater management systems. Originally a General Contractor with 25 years of experience, in the past ten years David has worked with Pervious Concrete he has played a key role in both the advancement of the material technology, as well as its growing acceptance within the building community. One of the few NRMCA Certified Craftsman in Northern California, David is a contributing member of ACI 522 Pervious concrete Committee, a member of ASTM Pervious Concrete testing committee, on the National Pervious Concrete Pavement Association Board of Directors, the NPCPA education committee chair, the lead instructor for the Northern California/Nevada certification class, was part of the industry advisory group on the Caltrans Permeable pavement guidelines and is currently working with the California Nevada Cement Council, as well as the City of San Francisco, on updates to their pervious concrete specifications.

July 2018

Quick Build Solutions for Complete Streets Implementation


presented by

Ryan McClain, PE - Principal, Fehr & Peers


Quick Build uses temporary materials to support complete street implementations and has become a powerful tool for enhancing community engagement, demonstrating project benefits, refining design, and quickly implementing safety enhancements.  Projects can range in size from single intersections to complete corridors, and last anywhere from several hours to several years.  They can also strategically position a project to receive competitive grant funding for full buildout.  How can you put these strategies to use in your jurisdiction?  This presentation will focus on case studies in the East Bay where quick build was used to deliver transportation improvements with a community focus.



Ryan McClain, PE - Principal, Fehr & Peers

Ryan is a Principal with over 15 years of experience including bicycle and pedestrian design, complete streets and multimodal transportation design, and traffic operations analysis. Ryan works with local agencies to provide feasible solutions to complex transportation issues that work from an operations and design perspective and meet the needs of the community, including pedestrians, bicyclists, automobiles, transit, and commercial vehicles. Ryan has served as project manager for numerous complete streets and innovative bikeway projects in the Bay Area, from single intersections to complex multijurisdictional corridors.  Ryan is Vice Chair of the ITE Complete Streets Council.

June 2018

CCSF's Construction Management Program


presented by

Carlos Melendez, PE

Project Manager

Ghiradelli Associates


Continuing our focus on engineering education, Carlos Melendez of Ghiradelli & Associates will present on his involvement in City College's Construction Management Program.  Please RSVP for the event.



Carlos Melendez, PE

Ghirardelli Associates

In addition to his responsibilities as a Project Manager for Ghirardelli Associates, Carlos instructs students of varying backgrounds on the multiple aspects and fundamentals of Construction Management as part of the CCSF Department of Architecture Construction Management Program.

May 2018

Encouraging Youth to Pursue Technical Fields


presented by

John Ouimet

Director, Engineering & Design Academy


Join us for a presentation on getting youth interested in technical fields at an early age!  John Ouimet, Director of the Engineering & Design Academy at Clayton Valley Charter High School, will be joined by a few of his students for this enlightening presentation.  Please RSVP for the event.



John Ouimet

Director, Engineering and Design Academy

Clayton Valley Charter High School

John has been teaching at Clayton Valley Charter High School for over 10 years, following a career in Engineering.  He holds a Master of Science in Systems Management from USC, and a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology/Engineering from Cal State Fresno. 

April 2018

 AB 626: What is Means and How to Comply

presented by

Eric Casher

Meyers Nave


Understand how AB 626 impacts public works projects:  implementation in contracts, enforcement of claim procedures in closeout and litigation/arbitration phases, and resolution of claims arising from public works projects.  Please RSVP for the event.



Eric Casher
Meyers Nave


Eric Casher has been assisting public and private clients with legal and regulatory matters throughout California for nearly 10 years. His comprehensive experience ranges from public law and public contracting to construction litigation, workplace investigations and public-private partnerships. Eric's leadership at Meyers Nave includes serving as Chair of the firm's Diversity Committee.


Eric has a particular focus on the broad range of challenges that government agencies, cities, counties and special districts face as they implement their mandates and missions. He currently serves as City Attorney for the City of Pinole, a city of approximately 19,000 residents located in the San Francisco Bay Area, and General Counsel of the East Bay Dischargers Authority, a joint powers agency consisting of five local agencies that manages wastewater treatment and disposal for a population of approximately 900,000. Eric advises these clients on all legal matters affecting governance, decision-making, daily operations and long-term policy.

March 2018

Innovating Contra Costa County


presented by

Tim Haile, PE

Contra Costa Transportation Authority

Learn about Contra Costa Transportation Authority's efforts to innovate transportation in the County.  Please RSVP for the event.


Tim  Haile, PE
Contra Costa Transit Authority


Tim serves as the Authority's Deputy Executive Director for Projects and is responsible for the delivery of the capital improvement program, implementation of projects identified in the Expenditure Plan as well as other projects funded from grant or other outside sources.  He manages strategic planning and oversees all aspects of program management and project administration.


Tim has served the Authority since May 2017 bringing more than nineteen years of experience in transportation program and project management. He is recognized for his dynamic thinking, leadership, innovation, and proactive management style.

February 2018

Updates to the  

Subdivision Map Act


presented by

Matthew Gray

Partner for Perkins Coie



Date - 14 February 2018 
11:45 AM - 1:00 PM 


LOCATION Legends at Diablo Creek 


Keeping with EBME's long-standing tradition, we start the year off with our annual presentation and update of the Subdivision Map Act and significant land use legislation and case law. This presentation given by Matthew Gray is one of our most popular every year and usually sells out. Please RSVP soon as seating will be limited.


Matthew Gray
Partner for Perkins Coie

  • Legal Consel to Great Companies

  • A top 100 American Law Firm

  • Fortune Magazine Top 100 Companies to Work For

Matthew Gray is a Partner with Perkins Coie who focuses his practice on land use entitlement processing and litigation. He represents a range of local agencies, real estate developers and landowners in all stages of the land use entitlement and development process.

  • Georgetown University Law Center, J.D., magna cum laude, Order of the Coif, 1997

  • Senior Notes and Comments Editor, Georgetown Law Journal

  • University of California, Los Angeles, B.A., magna cum laude, 1993

July 2017

Fiber Seal Pavement Rehabilitation  


presented by

Brennen Davis of Environmental Concepts


Join us for a presentation on Fiber Seal, a pavement rehabilitation product.


Brennen Davis is among the influx of millennials dedicated to making a difference in our world and revolutionizing our transportation ways. Upon graduating from Fresno State, he immediately moved back to his hometown of Tehachapi, CA to take over the family owned business as president and owner bringing in a new and fresh innovative approach. He has dedicated himself to his customers and working directly with them in order to find and create win-win solutions.

Environmental Concepts specializes in offering only the most innovative products and solutions that may change pavement preservation as we know it. Mr. Davis has experience working directly with Cal Trans, public agencies, road departments, and in the private sector. He works alongside his mother Nancy Davis who is a former Fortune 500 chemist and has an extensive background in lab research as it relates to polymer modified asphalts.

May 2017

FEMA Mitigation Grant Program 


presented by

Aaron Lim  

Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) Specialist for FEMA, Region IX



Join us for a presentation on grant mitigation programs administered by Aaron Lim of FEMA.



Aaron Lim is a Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) Specialist for FEMA, Region IX.  He has been working for FEMA for over a decade now.  Aaron is currently the HMA grants coordinator for the State of Arizona and is also in charge of the Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) grants program for all Region IX States.

He holds a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering. Prior experience includes working in the Public Assistance recovery grants program, and is a construction project engineer & estimator in the private sectors for over 20 years.

April 2017

Update on the Status of the Concord Naval Weapons Station

presented by

Guy Bjerke 

Director of Community Reuse Planning

City of Concord 


Join us for an update on the Concord Community Reuse Project (Concord Naval Weapons Station) from Guy Bjerke, Director of Community Reuse Planning at City of Concord.



Guy Bjerke is the Director of Community Reuse Planning for the City of Concord.  He's responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Reuse Area Plan for the redevelopment of the former Concord Naval Weapons Station.

During his career he was the Manager, Bay Area Region for the Western States Petroleum Association; the Economic Development Director for the City of Antioch; CEO of the Homebuilders Association of Northern California (now Building Industry Association of the Bay Area);  and a staff member for the Concord Chamber of Commerce and the California State Senate.  He has over 30 years' experience in Bay Area issues through his governmental affairs work for the business community and the building industry.

Guy earned a BA in Government from CSU, Sacramento.  He is a former Mayor and Council member for the City of Concord and a Past President of the Rotary Club of Concord.

March 2017

Pervious Concrete 2.0

presented by

David Ligouri 

Bay Area Pervious Concrete 



Have you attended the introductory presentation and feel like you know enough to be dangerous? Take it to the next level and join us while we dive deeper into the details of designing and specifying a Pervious Concrete water management system based on LATIS ( Large Area Thin Infiltration System). We will go through the latest specifications released in the fall of 2016, take apart several designs, study various details, cover base and subgrade prep as well as the finer aspects of infiltration.

This presentation will give you what you need to put pen to paper and supercharge, by simplifying, your site design.



David Liguori
Bay Area Pervious Concrete

David Liguori is the founder and president of Bay Area Pervious Concrete and is an industry leader in developing pervious concrete stormwater management systems. Originally a General Contractor with 25 years of experience, in the past ten years David has worked with Pervious Concrete he has played a key role in both the advancement of the material technology, as well as its growing acceptance within the building community. One of the few NRMCA Certified Craftsman in Northern California, David is a contributing member of ACI 522 Pervious Concrete Committee and a truly engaging speaker!

January 2017

Updates to the  

Subdivision Map Act

presented by

Matthew Gray

Partner for Perkins Coie

Keeping with EBME's long-standing tradition, we start the year off with our annual presentation and update of the Subdivision Map Act and significant land use legislation and case law. This presentation given by Matthew Gray is one of our most popular every year and usually sells out. Please RSVP soon as seating will be limited.


Matthew Gray
Partner for Perkins Coie

  • Legal Counsel to Great Companies

  • A top 100 American Law Firm

  • Fortune Magazine Top 100 Companies to Work For

Matthew Gray is a Partner with Perkins Coie who focuses his practice on land use entitlement processing and litigation. He represents a range of local agencies, real estate developers and landowners in all stages of the land use entitlement and development process.

  • Georgetown University Law Center, J.D., magna cum laude, Order of the Coif, 1997

  • Senior Notes and Comments Editor, Georgetown Law Journal

  • University of California, Los Angeles, B.A., magna cum laude, 1993

November 2016

Green Streets Projects

presented by

Dan Cloak, P.E.

Dan Cloak Environmental Consulting 


Stormwater runoff is the largest source of trash, PCBs, mercury, and other pollutants entering San Francisco Bay. 25 years of mandated implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) has had limited success. Bay Area municipalities have embarked on an effort, which will take decades, to transform the conventional "gray" drainage infrastructure of curbs, drain inlets, and storm drain pipes to "green" infrastructure that incorporates stormwater treatment, via bioretention and other Low Impact Development (LID) features and facilities. Daunting challenges include finding locations and space for bioretention facilities, designing and engineering streets and urban landscapes to serve multiple functions, and aligning funding streams to finance projects. This presentation will focus on methods for identifying and evaluating locations to implement green infrastructure, and on design and construction of bioretention facilities.



Dan Cloak

Principal - Dan Cloak Environmental Consulting


Dan Cloak, P.E., has assisted California municipalities with stormwater NPDES compliance since 1992 and has been principal of Dan Cloak Environmental Consulting since 2002. He is the author of current municipal guidance used to design and review stormwater treatment for new development projects in Contra Costa, Marin, Sonoma, Napa, Monterey, and Santa Barbara Counties. He has been involved in design and construction of green infrastructure projects in the Bay Area.

October 2016

eBART East Contra Costa BART Extension 


presented by

Rick Ratray, BART Group Manager

Zach Amare, Project Manager




The eBART project is a 10 mile double track, standard gauge track, extension project that begins approximately 3000 feet east of the existing Pittsburg / Bay Point BART station and ends in Antioch. The track alignment is placed in the median of State Route 4.  

A new Pittsburg / Bay Point Transfer Platform will enable patrons to transfer from BART trains to eBART trains or vice versa. There will be two stations, one in the City of Pittsburg, the other in the City of Antioch. The project will also procure vehicles that are known as DMUs (Diesel Multiple Units), which will be maintained at the new Maintenance Facility in Antioch. A large parking facility will also be available adjacent to the Antioch Station.  


The presentation will discuss the development of the project from inception to date. We will talk about the project delivery methods, challenges, progress and interesting features of the project. .




Ric Rattray and Zach Amare

September 2016

 Innovative Uses of MSE Walls


presented by

Matthew D. Ross
 Western US District Manager

Tensar Walls & Slopes


We will discuss innovative uses of MSE walls for grade separations, approach structures, bridge abutments & other heavy civil applications. The interactive discussion will cover design, installation & cost of various MSE wall configurations versus conventional wall systems. Seismic considerations, Caltrans acceptance & geotechnical considerations will also be discussed.  A few case histories will be presented which will illustrate the cost savings & effectiveness of MSE systems solidifying their continued value in today's design portfolios.




Matthew D. Doss

Western US District Manager- Tensar Walls & Slopes


Mathew has 16 years in the industry, 14 of those in years executive / management roles in the production, design, sales, estimation & installation of MSE wall systems.

July 2016

Have You Read Your ADA Transition Plan Lately?

presented by

Scott Wilkstrom, PE
 Senior Civil Engineer 

at the City of Walnut Creek


This presentation provides a look at Walnut Creek's ADA Transition Plan and the recent process to update the plan, particularly in relation to curb ramps.


The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law on July 26, 1990 providing comprehensive civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities in the areas of employment, public accommodations, State and local government services and telecommunications.  Title II of the act mandates that a public entity must evaluate is current services, policies, and practices to determine whether they are in compliance with the non-discrimination regulations of the ADA.  The ADA Transition Plan identifies physical barriers in a public agency's facilities and outlines methods for the removal of these barriers.  




Scott Wikstrom
Senior Civil Engineer
City of Walnut Creek

Mr. Wikstrom has been working for the City of Walnut Creek since 2003.  His first nine years with the City involved the review and permitting for private developments including various subdivisions and commercial developments. For the past four years, Scott has been managing the Capital Investment Program. He along with a team of engineering staff oversee all City-funded construction projects.

June 2016

Civil Engineering Applications of Drones / Unmanned Aircraft Systems


presented by

Heller Gregory

of GrandView Services, LLC



Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) (a.k.a. "drones") have become a game changer in the architectural, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry.  Applications include civil and geotechnical engineering, operations and maintenance, construction management, environmental monitoring, and asset management.  The imagery and video acquired through UAS can be processed through photogrammetry software to develop two dimensional orthoimages and 3-dimensional surface models.  The data acquired and products generated are fully compatible with AutoCAD Civil3D design software.  Practical civil engineering applications and project workflow using this burgeoning technology will be explored through case studies completed over the past year with a local engineering consulting firm, Cal Engineering & Geology, Inc.  Legal implications and liability issues will also be examined.lunch meeting.




Heller Gregory
President, Chief Pilot
GrandView Services, LLC

Ms. Gregory is a licensed private pilot who has been involved in digital imaging and communications for more than 25 years and with the civil, geotechnical, and earthwork construction industry for more than 20 years. Since 1993 she has served on the board of directors of Cal Engineering & Geology, Inc. and has played an essential role in the evolution of that company. As a pilot and former professional photographer, Heller was easily drawn to piloting UAV's for some of the more practical applications that she was familiar with through her involvement in engineering and construction. Since starting GrandView in January 2015, she has worked through the available UAV technologies, platforms, and processing software and has been able to provide practical deliverables for a variety of projects including periodic monitoring of landslide prone hillside areas, earth work grading, and development of photogrammetrically-derived digital elevation models and other CADD ready files. Heller is a graduate of Cal State University, Northridge and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Television and Communications.

May 2016

California Stormwater 2016 Ballot Initiative 


presented by

Michael Carlson

of Contra Costa County



Four years of drought and now El Niño, California weather has certainly underscored the importance of stormwater and the Stormwater Initiative!


Stormwater agencies throughout the state have recognized the need for changes to the way we manage stormwater. We must improve the removal of trash and pollutants from sormwater to protect our drinking water supplies and the environment, and we must improve flood control to protect lives, property, and the economy. To achieve this, stormwater agencies need a reliable source of funding similar to the type of funding water districts and wastewater districts have to manage their resources and infrastructure. Stormwater, drinking water, and wastewater are all part of the total water picture in California, and all must have adequate funding and appropriate authorities to meet the water challenges of today and into the future.


In April, the Governor mandated a 25% reduction in water use and anticipated water districts would adopt "conservation rates" to comply. "Conservation Rate" is a tiered rate structure that charges a higher rate for those that use more water, thus encouraging conservation. At about the same time, the Appellate Court ruled that conservation rates analyzed in their court case violated provisions in the State Constitution where the charge for services to a parcel cannot exceed the cost to provide that service. This same provision made it hard for utilities who wanted to do so to adopt a lifeline rate, where a small excess charge to all ratepayers goes to supplement charges to low income households.


Several statewide organizations have been working to address these management issues and provide additional tools for stormwater agencies, water districts, and wastewater districts. These organizations developed a Constitutional Amendment that would achieve the following:


- Enhance the ability of local agencies to finance stormwater management and flood control services, projects, and programs
- Provide more flexibility for the voluntary establishment of conservation-based water rates
- Allow agencies, at their discretion, to implement lifeline rates for low income households


On December 14, 2015, the California State Association of Counties, the League of Cities, and the Association of California Water Agencies filed Constitutional Amendment language with the Attorney General's Office as a potential ballot initiative for the November 2016 election. The ballot measure can be viewed on the Attorney General's website in the "Initiatives" section under "Active Measures" as Initiative 15 - 0116.


Michael Carlson of Contra Costa County will discuss this ballot initiative at our May 11th, 2016 EBME lunch meeting.




Michael Carlson
Assistant Public Works Director
Contra Costa County

Assistant Chief Engineer
Contra Costa County Flood Control & Water Conservation District


Mike Carlson began his career with Contra Costa in 1987 as an Entry level Civil Engineer. His years of experience span several of the Department's divisions: Flood Control, Design, Construction and Transportation Engineering. In 1999, Mike joined the Department's senior management team as the Assistant Director with responsibilities for the Department's Construction Division. In 2007 he transferred to lead the Departments Transportation Division and then in 2009 moved again to lead the Flood Control District for the County.

April 2016

 Compost-based Stormwater Management Practices

presented by

David Franklin

of Filtrexx International


David Franklin of Filtrexx International will give a great presentation on compost-based stormwater management practices. David will discuss the wealth of compost-based practices and resources available to designers and contractors, as well as the selection, design, and installation processes. He will also discuss the successful implementation of these practices on a recent Caltrans project, the Prunedale Interchange in Monterey County.


Topics touched on will include:

  • The suite of compost-based practices including:

    • compost blankets for erosion control and vegetation establishment

    • compost incorporated for vegtation establishment

    • compost filter socks for sediment removal at construciton sites

    • compost socks for pollutant removal at industrial facilities such as nurseries

    • engineered retaining walls utilizing compost grow socks

  • Selection process for erosion and sediment control practices on construction sites

  • Design issues for selected compost-based practices

  • Installation parameters and considerations for compost-based practices.

  • Resources for the designer/contractor

  • A Caltrans project (the Prunedale Interchange) that used compost-based practices



David Franklin

Senior Erosion Control Sepcialist

Regional Business Development Manager

Trainer of Record: industrial and Construction General Permits, State of California

Filtrexx International

David is a nationwide presenter, international consultant and award-winning landscape professional with over 35 years experience in the Green Industry, including 25 years in the erosion control and water quality sectors. He has worked on stormwater issues as a consultant, specifier, SWPPP writer/manager, contractor and inspector on projects including vineyards, mines & quarries, river restoration, freeway & railroad and home construction.

Mr. Franklin has developed and/or delivered numerous stormwater classes to the public and private sector including Caltrans (California Department of Transportation) personnel in Design, Construction and Landscape Architecture divisions, the 24hr Caltrans stormwater course to contractors working on Caltrans' projects as well as courses for California's Construction and Industrial General Permits.

David has volunteered on community and sustainability projects in the Galapagos and the Amazon. His personal hobbies and interests include organic vegetable gardening, honeybees, playing handball like a maniac and songwriting competitions. His band is available for events throughout California.

March 2016

Pervious Concrete

Love your hardscape, but need to comply with impervious surface limitation?

presented by

David Ligouri 

of Bay Area Pervious Concrete



David Liguori of Bay Area Pervious Concrete will introduce the storm water design principal known as Large Area Thin Infiltration Systems (LATIS). Unlike conventional design models, which were not designed with pervious pavements in mind, the LATIS principle allows you to take full advantage of the potential of a pervious pavement stormwater management system, while reducing project costs.


Pervious Concrete was originally created in the 1800's in Europe, and didn't make it to the US until the 1970's. Recently, pressures from the EPA have caused more municipalities to focus on stormwater mitigation and pollution, thus pervious concrete has received renewed attention. It's ability to triple as a pavement, stormwater infiltration and treatment device, provides many projects with the most cost effective solution for stormwater management. The latest innovations in mix design and installation techniques have, in just the last few years, revolutionized what is considered best practices for pervious concrete and led to new levels of performance.




David Ligouri
Bay Area Pervious Concrete


David Liguori is the founder and president of Bay Area Pervious Concrete and is an industry leader in developing pervious concrete stormwater management systems. Originally a General Contractor with 25 years of experience, in the past ten years David has worked with Pervious Concrete he has played a key role in both the advancement of the material technology, as well as its growing acceptance within the building community. One of the few NRMCA Certified Craftsman in Northern California, David is a contributing member of ACI 522 Pervious concrete Committee, a member of ASTM Pervious Concrete testing committee, on the National Pervious Concrete Pavement Association Board of Directors, the NPCPA education committee chair, the lead instructor for the Northern California/Nevada certification class, was part of the industry advisory group on the Caltrans Permeable pavement guidelines and is currently working with the California Nevada Cement Council, as well as the City of San Francisco, on updates to their pervious concrete specifications.

February 2016

Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC)


presented by

Debbie Halderman & Hans Stadem




We are excited to have CEMEX present on the advantages of Roller Compacted Concrete and its history, construction (including equipment and process), material mixes & design, cost analysis, current & past projects, and agency progress.

Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) is a no slump concrete that is placed by an asphalt type paver and compacted with vibratory rollers similar to asphalt pavement construction.  RCC has long history of good performance as a pavement for ports, container yards, and manufacturing plants.  Recently, RCC has been used with good success on Interstate highway shoulders, subdivision streets and collector/arterial roads.  RCC is now being used in conjunction with diamond grinding the surface allowing it to be placed as smooth as asphalt or conventional concrete pavements at a lower initial cost.  Since RCC is usually placed with 1 lift, reconstruction of existing pavements proceeds much faster than other alternatives. Recent developments with mix design, aggregate selection, etc will also be covered.




Debbie Halderman

Business Development Manager


Debbie Haldeman is the Business Development Manager for Cemex California with the unique position of teaming with their pavement engineers for the promotion, advocacy and education of concrete pavements as alternative, cost effective solutions to asphalt pavements in both the public and private sectors; to create a more competitive paving program in the markets.   Prior to joining Cemex, she worked as a project manager in land development and environmental consulting specific to attaining approvals for residential projects in the region.  A graduate of Sacramento State, Debbie holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Real Estate & Land Use, minor in Urban Economics.


Hans Stadem



Hans Stadem holds a Masters of Science in Civil Engineering with a geotechnical engineering emphasis from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. He also holds a Bachelor of Science in both Ocean Engineering and Applied Mathematics. Prior to working with Cemex, he was a senior staff engineer with Fugro Consultants for two years where he conducted technical and field coordination, field exploration, observation of construction, data acquisition and interpretation, and engineering calculations and analyses for geotechnical and related projects. Hans is currently one of Cemex's paving solutions engineers where he advocates the use of concrete pavement and offers designs and cost analysis to support projects.

January 2016

 2016 Updates to the Subdivision Map Act

presented by

Matthew Gray

Partner for Perkins Coie


Keeping with EBME's long-standing tradition, we start the year off with our annual presentation and update of the Subdivision Map Act and significant land use legislation and case law. This presentation given by Matthew Gray is one of our most popular every year and usually sells out. Please RSVP soon as seating will be limited.


Matthew Gray
Partner for Perkins Coie

  • Legal Consel to Great Companies

  • A top 100 American Law Firm

  • Fortune Magazine Top 100 Companies to Work For

Matthew Gray is a Partner with Perkins Coie who focuses his practice on land use entitlement processing and litigation. He represents a range of local agencies, real estate developers and landowners in all stages of the land use entitlement and development process.

  • Georgetown University Law Center, J.D., magna cum laude, Order of the Coif, 1997

  • Senior Notes and Comments Editor, Georgetown Law Journal

  • University of California, Los Angeles, B.A., magna cum laude, 1993

December 2015

The 2015 Contra Costa County Creek and Watershed Symposium


sponsored by

Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District


Please click on the following link for program details:



Hosted by: Doug McConnell (former host of Bay Area Backroads, and Openroad)

November 2015

El Nino 2015


presented by

Mark Boucher, PE

Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District


El Niño has arrived. This presentation will consolidate background on El Niño and the current long-term NOAA and DWR forecasts for rain in the Bay Area. Assuming this year we will have more rain than normal and a few intense storm events, what tools are available to see real-time data and what it means to us? Mark will present the basics behind the Flood Controls 7-5-3-2 Flood Forecast protocols (antecedent conditions) and how to use tools that are now available.


Combining the antecedent conditions and a 24-hour Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF) into a flood forecasting protocol is a way of determining if we need to take a coming storm more seriously than normal. A downloadable Excel based tool will be presented and demonstrated (time allowing) showing how it can be used to synthesize the information from the web for faster recognition of when the flood forecast protocols are met. Mark will also preview future developments in flood forecasting, including one that may be used for the 2016 Super Bowl!


Mark Boucher, PE

Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District


Mark Boucher has 7 years of private sector experience and over 20 years of public sector experience in land development, transportation, drainage and hydrology. Mark earned his BS in Civil Engineering and Masters in Engineering from Washington State University.  Mark serves as the Senior Hydrologist for the Contra Costa County Control Flood Control and Water Conservation District where he oversees the management of the Hydrology Section which operates 29 rain gauges and four stage gauges. He provides expertise in hydrology and hydraulics in preparing and reviewing hydrologic studies and models, and updating standards and hydrology methods. He provides hydrology support for the Flood Control Division and other Divisions at Contra Costa County Public Works.


Mark acts as the FC District representative on Bay Area Integrated Regional Water Management Planning committees and the Contra Costa County Council on Homeless. He is the current Chair for the Bay Area Flood Protection Agencies Association.  Mark lives in Concord, is married with three children, and hiked the John Muir Trail in the summer of 2014. 

October 2015

The Future of Local Streets - Replace the Gas Tax?

(Joint Meeting w/ APWA)

presented by

Gautam Hans

Center for Democracy and Technology



The good news is more people are driving hybrid and electric cars, cars are getting better gas mileage - but it's been working so well that California has to find new ways to finance road maintenance.  Revenues from the gas tax, which is used to pay to maintain our roads, are shrinking every year.  The tax revenue is dropping so low that it no longer keeps pace with the higher costs for road and bridge maintenance.


On September 29, 2014 Governor Brown signed Senate Bill 1077, creating the California Road Usage Pilot Program to study the implications of a road charge model by January 1, 2017.  Advocates see the road usage charge concept as being based in equity - a way to engage everyone in paying their fair share for road maintenance regardless of the type of vehicle they drive.  The pilot is intended to map out key elements of a distance-based charging system.


Join us to learn about shifting from a financing system for surface transportation based on fuel taxes to one involving mileage-based user fees.  Our speaker will provide insights to how the pilot program might address some of the issues critics have cited, such as inequities, administering such a program and privacy issues.  Listen to ways this could impact you and your agency in the future.


Gautam Hans

Center for Democracy and Technology - San Francisco

September 2015

The August 24, 2014 South Napa Earthquake and Active Tectonics of the West Napa Fault Zone


presented by

Tim Dawson, PG, CEG

California Geological Survey

The M6.0 South Napa earthquake of August 24, 2014 was the first earthquake in the San Francisco Bay Region to produce significant, through-going surface rupture since the 1906 San Andreas Fault earthquake and the first earthquake in northern California to rupture through a densely populated area. The earthquake produced over 14 km of surface rupture extending from Cuttings Wharf to just north of Alston Park, in the City of Napa where the rupture affected residential structures, roads, and lifelines.  The earthquake also produced an unusually complex zone of surface rupture, spread across a 2-km-wide zone of multiple sub-parallel faults. Prior to this earthquake, very little was known about the behavior of this fault system, and the earthquake demonstrated that what was known about this fault system was an incomplete picture. Consequently, this earthquake has sparked a renewed interest in this enigmatic fault system and efforts to characterize this fault zone for seismic hazards are ongoing. This presentation will focus on the results of recently completed and ongoing studies that have led to new insights as well as outstanding questions about the long term behavior of the West Napa fault zone.


Tim Dawson, PG, CEG

California Geological Survey


Tim Dawson is an Engineering Geologist at the California Geological Survey in Menlo Park, California. Prior to working at CGS, he worked at the USGS in Menlo Park, and holds a M.S. degree in Geology from San Diego State University and a B.S. in Geological Sciences from the University of Oregon and is a Certified Engineering Geologist in the State of California. He is a paleoseismologist by training and has participated in investigations on numerous faults including the San Andreas, Hayward, Garlock, San Jacinto, Denali, and North Anatolian faults. He has also participated in several post-earthquake investigations including the 1999 earthquakes in Turkey, the 1999 Hector Mine earthquake, the 2002 Denali, Alaska earthquake, and most recently, was the CGS field team coordinator for the 2014 South Napa earthquake response.

August 2015

3rd Annual Golf Tournament Scramble 


at Diablo Creek Golf Course

4050 Port Chicago Highway

Concord, California

More Information and Sign-Up Sheet


Registration fee includes box lunch. 


Tournament Format

The tournament format will be a 4 person best ball scramble (see rules on signup sheet).  All participants will receive a goodie bag with golf-related items. There will be prizes for longest drive (14th hole) as well as closest to the pin (17th hole). In addition, the winning team members will each receive a golf-related team prize!

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